First Air Powered Crossbow

On this video I have a chance to try out one of the most expensive new crossbows on the market and it is different than any other crossbow made. In more than twenty years of shooting all kinds of crossbows, I have never seen one like this. This crossbow is powered and then cocked by compressed air, like an air rifle. And it shoots incredibly accurate and fast. Innovations in crossbows have helped engineers to push them to the limit with incredible performance. This crossbow features a 300-pound pull draw weight and literally it cocks with the simple push of a button. It allows the hunter the ability to cock the crossbow effortlessly and safely de-cock without pulling the trigger. Featuring recurve bow limbs makes changing the string out simple and easy. The weight of the crossbows nearly twelve pounds and with a full tank of compressed air, you’ll see how many shots the shooter can expect. This crossbow shoots arrows at a blistering speed of 440 feet per second. This product review reveals some good safety points as well. Not available in retail stores yet, this crossbow is only available at this time online at